The ECOWAS Parliament is on our matter by making its voice heard against the ongoing war in Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). This happened today in Liberian during the ECOWAS Fifth Legislative Parliamentary Seminar and the First Extraordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament for the Year 2022.
The Speaker of the Parliament, Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis has called for dialogue and mediation to end the war and prevent the crisis from spilling over to neighboring West African States. He mentioned this and humanitarian reasons as justification for ECOWAS to try and step in to find a solution to this crisis.
Be comforted with the fact that, the ECOWAS Parliament will from now on continue to play a leading role to ensure the genocidal war comes to an end through dialogue and negotiations.
My friends, this news is the best women's day gift I could ever give to all the women in jail, refugees, IDPs and POWS. This is the first time in the history of this war that the African continent is talking about this crisis and I'm very proud of those who made this possible. Freedom is coming.
Thank you.
Dr. David Makongo (Follow link p.19)
Only an experienced President, with courage and character like you would solve the Southern Cameroons Virus:
Dear President Biden, After engaging in grassroots campaigns like millions of my fellow American compatriots to vote for YOU as the 46th President of the United States of America, this is not the time I intended to write this kind of letter to you, My President, in your first 16 days in office. However, catastrophic circumstances have prompted me to do just this, after seeing, reading, hearing and viewing videos of mass murder, mass graves, grave physical and emotional torture, of people including women, children and the elderly in Southern Cameroons.
It is unbelievable that, in spite such oppression and excruciating pain and suffering in Southern Cameroons, not even one civilized nation has come forward to protect these wretched of the earth, nor defend their inalienable rights to life, freedom and liberty in the Security Council of the United Nations.
We thank God today that you are finally in the Oval office.